Home Eriksberg Påsköl Untappd RateBeer BeerAdvocate

Producer:Carlsberg Sverige AB
Beer:Euro Dark Lager (Lager - Euro Dark)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is brown with a hint of orange, an off-white compact head that leaves little lacing. (3)
Aroma: The smell is grassy, spicy and sweet. Mostly in the malty area. (3.5)
Taste: The taste has a little sweetness, dried fruits and burnt bread, some acidity, grape peel, and a good measure of bitterness. (3.5)
Palate: Carbonation is medium, a little watery but a good long bitterness. (3.5)
Overall: As a Swedish "eastern beer" this is rather good and drinkable, can fit on a "påskbord" (eastern smorgasbord). (4)


rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)