Home Chiswick Bitter Untappd RateBeer BeerAdvocate

Producer:Fuller Smith & Turner PLC
Beer:English Bitter (Bitter - Session / Ordinary)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is copper toned with a small off-white head, leaving no lacing (3.5)
Aroma: The smell is mainly from the hops, grass and nettles (3.5)
Taste: A typical Digestive biscuits taste upfront, the some lime marmalade association, one with peel in it. (4)
Palate: Low carbonation, refreshing and smooth. (3)
Overall: A very nice low-alcoholic bitter (4)

On-tap at The Jack Horner at Tottenham Crt Rd, London

rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)