Home IPA Untappd BeerAdvocate Systembolaget

Producer:S:t Eriks Bryggeri
Beer:American IPA (IPA - American)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is slightly hazy a brown, nearly dull, amber tone, the head is off-white, settles slowly and leaves lots of lacing. (3.5)
Aroma: The smell is freshly citric, lime with a dash of grape-fruit, grapes and pine needles as well. (4)
Taste: Some upfront light sweetness, like dextrose, a mixed grape-fruit juice is dominating and is finished bye bitter grape-fruit peel and seeds. (4)
Palate: Medium carbonation, rather simple and watery but refreshing. (3)
Overall: A bit light for an american IPA, should probably have more body and ABV. (3.5)


rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)