Home Organic Goldeneye Untappd BeerAdvocate

Producer:Black Isle Brewery Co Ltd
Beer:English Pale Ale (Pale Ale - English)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: The beer is clear copper chestnut, has an off-white compact and slowly settling head that leaves loads of lacing. (4)
Aroma: Fresh fruits, lemon, lime, green apples, pears and newly mowed lawn in the smell. (3.5)
Taste: Starting rather sweet, bread and dried apricots, then fresh riper apples, peaches, a modest bitter orange finish with a sharp bitter twist at the end. (4)
Palate: Medium low carbonation, soft and slightly sticky feeling, a big body, a coarse dry finish. (3.5)
Overall: Good - I liked the fruitiness and malty body, possibly a bit too sweet and short coarse peak of bitterness. (3.5)


rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)