Home Barley Wine Untappd RateBeer BeerAdvocate Systembolaget

Producer:The Nils Oscar Company
Beer:English Barleywine (Barleywine - English)
Reviewer:Reibert Arbring

Apperance: A clear orange copper toned beer, a small off-white head with good curtains. (4)
Aroma: The smell is quite boozy, glue/solutions with orange marmalade. (3)
Taste: The taste is sherry, orange, alcohol, and a bitter rye feeling. (3.5)
Palate: Little carbonation, soft texture, a medium body, a slightly coarse dryness. (3.5)
Overall: A bit thin, the alcohol presence implies that some storing is needed. This was an early 2011 batch, before the recipe changed. (3)

On-tap at De Klomp tasting.

rdb 0.8.0 (2023-10-14)